Early Childhood Programs

Ocean Hero

Kindy & Pre-Primary


Ocean Hero

The ocean hero program delves into a deeper understanding of the biology of marine creatures and how they connect with the oceanic environment. We also introduce the topic of conservation and discuss how we can help protect the ocean. A touch-and-feel session with the animals, artefacts and equipment is included.

Kindy & Pre-Primary
Max 20 children per session
40 - 45 mins
$9 per child, minimum cost of $400

What we bring

All marine animals (sea stars, hermit crabs, brittle stars), oceanic artefacts (shell collection, shark jaws, whale bones) and snorkelling equipment


A minimum of 2 educators/parent helpers are required during this session

Multiple sessions can be booked for consecutive time slots to ensure all children can attend

Different programs for varying age groups can be booked on the same day. Please discuss this with us directly, so the schedule can be planned accordingly

Australian Curriculum Alignment

Science Understanding

Biological Sciences
  • ACSSU002 – Living things have basic needs, including food and water
    • Recognising the needs of living things in a range of situations
    • Comparing the needs of plants and animals
    • Recognising how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People care for living things

Science as a Human Endeavour

Nature and development of science
  • ACSHE013 – Science involves observing, asking questions about and describing changes in, objects and events
    • Recognising that observation is an important part of exploring and investigating the things and places around us
    • Sharing observations with others and communicating their experiences
    • Exploring and observing using the senses: hearing, smell, touch, sight and taste

Science Inquiry Skills

  • ACSIS014 – Pose and respond to questions about familiar objects and event
  • ACSIS233 – Engage in discussion about observations and represent ideas
  • ACSIS012 – Share observations and ideas

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