Primary Programs

Ocean Pioneer

Years 5 & 6

For primary aged children, we have a diverse number of programs to choose from. These programs are aligned to the Australian curriculum but can be customised based on your specific requirements. 


Ocean Pioneer

All Ocean Pioneer programs include a touch-and-feel session with the animals, artefacts and equipment.

Years 5 & 6
Max 35 children per session
50 - 60 mins
$10 per child, minimum cost of $500

What we bring

All marine animals (sea stars, hermit crabs, brittle stars), oceanic artefacts (shell collection, shark jaws, whale bones) and snorkelling equipment


At least one educator must be present during this session

Multiple sessions can be booked for consecutive time slots to ensure all children can attend

Different programs for varying age groups can be booked on the same day. Please discuss this with us directly, so the schedule can be planned accordingly

Ocean Pioneer programs for Years 5 & 6

Choose from the following programs for Years 5 & 6 students (or consult us to collaborate on a custom program):



Wild Ways (Adaptations & animal behaviour)

  • Discover the three types of animal adaptations
  • Discuss specific animal adaptations that allow them to survive and thrive in niche habitats
  • Learn that marine animals can alter themselves to a change in their surrounding environment

Sea Species Safari (Classification)

  • Understand why animals are classified
  • Discuss how animals are classified based on their anatomy, genetics and evolutionary history
  • Begin the fundamentals of classifying marine animals
  • Introduce the importance of scientific communication

Waves of Change (Human impacts, sustainability & conservation)

  • Learn about the negative impacts human are having on the ocean, its inhabitants and its ecosystems (overfishing, climate change, erosion, pollution and more)
  • Discuss real world conservation strategies being implemented locally and around the world
  • Promote environmental mindfulness

Australian Curriculum Alignment

Science Understanding

Biological Sciences

  • ACSSU094 – The growth and survival of living things are affected by physical conditions of their environment
    • Explaining how particular adaptation help survival
    • Describing and listing adaptation of living things suited for particular Australian environments

Science as a Human Endeavour

Use and influence of science

  • ACSHE083 – Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions
    • Investigating how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ traditional ecological and zoological knowledge informs sustainable harvesting practices of certain species, such as dugongs and turtles

Science Inquiry Skills

  • ACSIS231 – With guidance, pose clarifying questions and make predictions about scientific investigations

Science Understanding

Biological Sciences

  • ACSSU043 – Living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment
    • Explaining how particular adaptation help survival
    • Describing and listing adaptation of living things suited for particular Australian environments

Science as a Human Endeavour

Use and influence of science

  • ACSHE100 – Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions
    • Considering how personal and community choices influence our use of sustainable sources of energy
    • Considering how electricity and electrical appliances have changed the way some people live

Science Inquiry Skills

  • ACSIS232 – With guidance, pose clarifying questions and make predictions about scientific investigations

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