Primary Programs

Ocean Trailblazer

Years 3 & 4

For primary aged children, we have a diverse number of programs to choose from. These programs are aligned to the Australian curriculum but can be customised based on your specific requirements.


Ocean Trailblazer

All Ocean Trailblazer programs include a touch-and-feel session with the animals, artefacts and equipment.

Years 3 & 4
Max 30 children per session
50 - 60 mins
$10 per child, minimum cost of $500

What we bring:

All marine animals (sea stars, hermit crabs, brittle stars), oceanic artefacts (shell collection, shark jaws, whale bones) and snorkelling equipment


At least one educator must be present during this session

Multiple sessions can be booked for consecutive time slots to ensure all children  can attend

Different programs for varying age groups can be booked on the same day. Please discuss this with us directly, so the schedule can be planned accordingly

Ocean Trailblazer programs for Years 3 & 4

Choose from the following programs for Years 3 & 4 students (or consult us to collaborate on a custom program):


Birth & Beyond (Life Cycles)

  • Discuss diverse life cycles of different marine animals (jellyfish, seahorse, humpback whales, sharks and more)
  • Learn about threats to animal life cycles
  • Discuss local strategies used to promote conservation and sustainability

I Sea You (Ecology)

  • Discover the interconnectedness of the natural world
  • Learn about different types of relationships in the ocean (symbiosis and more)
  • Discuss local strategies used to promote conservation and sustainability

Deep Dive Into Diversity (Living vs non-living)

  • Learn how to identify whether something is classified as living or non-living
  • Talk about by-products from animals or plants that were once alive, but are now considered non-living
  • Discuss local strategies used to promote conservation and sustainability

Australian Curriculum Alignment

Science Understanding

Biological Sciences

  • ACSSU044 – Living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things
    • Recognising characteristics of living things such as growing, moving, sensitivity and reproducing
    • Recognising the range of different living things
    • Exploring the differences between living, once living and products of living things

Science as a Human Endeavour

Nature and development of science

  • ACSHE050 – Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships

Use and influence of science

  • ACSHE051 – Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions
    • Describing what characteristics make a material a pollutant

Science Inquiry Skills

  • ACSIS053 – With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on prior knowledge

Science Understanding

Biological Sciences

  • ACSSU072 – Living things have life cycles
  • ACSSU073 – Living things depend on each other and the environment to survive
    • Investigating the roles of living things in habitats
    • Observing and describing predator-prey relationships
    • Predicting the effects when living things in feeding relationships are removed or die out in an area
    • Recognising that interactions between living things may be competitive or mutually beneficial

Science as a Human Endeavour

Nature and development of science

  • ACSHE061 – Science involves making predictions and describing patterns and relationships

Use and influence of science

  • ACSHE062 – Science knowledge helps people to understand the effect of their actions
    • Exploring how science has contributed to a discussion about an issue, such as loss of habitat for living things, or how human activity has changed the local environment

Science Inquiry Skills

  • ACSIS064 – With guidance, identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on prior knowledge

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